Thursday, April 8, 2021

PASEAL- A divine name

PASEAL  is a rare and unique name. It's origin is Italian. I decided to write an article about the name because I realized a lot of people do not know the meaning of the name. I got to know about this name through a friend who actually bears the name. She was the first person I have ever met that bears the name. So, I asked her the meaning of the name and she said it means "a star of good fortune". She was named by her dad after he went on a journey to Italy, discovered the name and fell in love with it. 

I also decided to name my niece "Paseal" because it was too divine and beautiful not to be adopted. 

 It's a unisex name. A very powerful and beautiful name. 

Looking for good name ideas for your baby?

PASEAL is one. Thank me later!!! ☺

Monday, February 18, 2019


                     HOW LONG YOU BEEN PRAYING FOR ?
Ask yourself these two questions below and holistically view your life before responding to it.
Can you handle it when it comes?
Are you ready for it?

We make requests and there seem to be no response from God. I believe not being ready or equipped for it could be a reason for the delay.
For instance, you prayed to him to be the president of a particular organisation but you lack the qualities of a good leader. He needs you to go through that process of building up qualities of a good leader first. He is always ready when you are ready.
I try to study events that happen in my life and I have come to realise that working on yourself and receiving from God work together. Sometimes when I think about some of the requests that have been declined and I envisage what the outcome would have looked like, I just thank him for declining the request.
Most times, the reason for the delay is from our end or just a blessing in disguise.
While praying for somethings, we should as well work on ourselves by placing ourselves in a position to receive.
I believe that when we are READY, he is READY.
Congrats on receiving as you work on yourself.


Thursday, January 31, 2019


The mind is a battlefield. One of the constant battles we fight is the battle between evil thoughts and our positive thoughts. This battle takes place in our minds. It occurs every second of every minute of every day, as long as you are breathing you cannot escape it.
This second you already made up your mind to do the right thing and then the next, the devil comes and throw thoughts at you that will destroy your good intent. The effectiveness of such thought depends on you. It is either you take it or leave it. The best choice you can ever make is to "leave it". You might be thinking "IS THIS EVEN FEASIBLE?". oh yes it is.

Guard your mind jealously and constantly pray for grace to always do the right thing. Your PEACE OF MIND is the most priceless possession you can ever have. Don't let anyone or anything take it away from you. There is nothing worth losing your peace over.

 Pray for grace to live good and right and also pray for the renewal of your mind every morning. It takes a conscious effort to renew your mind daily. 
"How does she do it?", "is it possible that she hardly gets sad?", " it has to be pretence", "it can't be real", all these and more will be potential response of people to your new self. Overtime you realize that negative vibes are far away from you; pride, jealousy, hatred, selfishness is gone with just that little effort of you praying for grace everyday to live right and love others genuinely. IT JUST ALWAYS DOES THE TRICK. YOU SHOULD TRY IT TOO. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM!!!!!!


Thursday, January 24, 2019


On this faithful day, I needed my earpiece so bad, looked everywhere for it but I just could not find it. I searched and searched but I still could not find it and that was when my spirit said to me "why stress yourself when you could just ask Him to help you find it". I thought about how ridiculous it sounded for a bit and then I said ''God, I am tired, please help find my earpiece". A few seconds later, I walked to the sitting room and I saw it lying on the chair. FUNNY YEAH? Oh I know. I looked up at him, shook my head, smiled and said "GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".
What is that little thing you need help with? Just ask Him. IT SAVES YOU MORE TIME AND ENERGY. ENJOY A WORRY FREE LIFE AS YOU DEPEND ON HIM COMPLETELY.


Thursday, January 17, 2019

DEAR FUTURE PARTNER- A prayerful approach

Any time you worry about not being engaged or constantly dating the wrong people, instead of comparing yourself with your mates or being depressed, why not
write a letter which entails every good thought about how you envisage them, what kind of prayers you want to pray for them, the sweet things you want to say to them, the things you want to do together with them, how you plan to build your home together with them, how you plan to keep the love blazing and more but most importantly, pray for them while you wait for them to show up but never let the thought of meeting them soon , overwhelm you. Check out my example below⇓⇓⇓
              17th Jan 2019
              Dear future husband,
              I thought of  you this day and felt like writing you this letter to show you how much I love                    and appreciate you. I pray that God will continue to show you how to love and care for                        yourself, me and others with those beautiful qualities of yours that got me attracted to you. I bless              the day I met you. You are so sweet. God bless and keep you for me now and always. I love                 you puppy.
Get yourself a safe box for the letters and put them in it every time you write one, pray on it too. In the process of doing this, a breeze of joy and assurance of getting what you believe you will have blows, at that point, you tend to forget about the pressure and all. It is a defense mechanism that works for me. You can try it, it might just work for you too. WEIRD YEA? BUT EFFECTIVE. Isn't it funny how playful things just do the trick?. Thank me later. Ha ha ha ha!

#Life #Love #Faith

Sunday, January 6, 2019

ASSUMPTION- A destructive tool

One of the major problems we have in the world today is that we assume a lot; especially by thinking for others. Assumptions has been a major tool in the destruction of so many relationships.

We go "oh, what if I call her and she reads this as something else"; 
"oh, what if I send a message to him and he starts to feel important"; 
"If I say "hi", she might just think I want her money. I mean I haven't said that to her in a long time".

"What if this, what if that." Enough!!!why not pick up the phone and call to be sure he/she is fine.
Why not pick up that phone and send that message just because you care and forget what he or she might think or feel. Why not pick up that call even if you know what he might say, funny enough the response is most times not what we think.
This has happened to me many times, I go, "I know what he wants to say, I won't pick up...blah blah" and when I finally decide to pick up, It's just not what I thought it would be. 
Overtime, I have come to realise that assumptions like that have been the cause of major problems I have with people. I am very guilty of this too and I am still working on it. No one is perfect, we keep growing and learning from experiences. Let's try not to ignore the fact that we have to at the very least try to make it work.
Don't just feel reluctant and say "well, there's no point trying". From trying, you just never know what your testimony will be. Good luck!!!
#Life #care #assumption

PASEAL- A divine name

PASEAL  is a rare and unique name. It's origin is Italian. I decided to write an article about the name because I realized a lot of peop...