Thursday, January 31, 2019


The mind is a battlefield. One of the constant battles we fight is the battle between evil thoughts and our positive thoughts. This battle takes place in our minds. It occurs every second of every minute of every day, as long as you are breathing you cannot escape it.
This second you already made up your mind to do the right thing and then the next, the devil comes and throw thoughts at you that will destroy your good intent. The effectiveness of such thought depends on you. It is either you take it or leave it. The best choice you can ever make is to "leave it". You might be thinking "IS THIS EVEN FEASIBLE?". oh yes it is.

Guard your mind jealously and constantly pray for grace to always do the right thing. Your PEACE OF MIND is the most priceless possession you can ever have. Don't let anyone or anything take it away from you. There is nothing worth losing your peace over.

 Pray for grace to live good and right and also pray for the renewal of your mind every morning. It takes a conscious effort to renew your mind daily. 
"How does she do it?", "is it possible that she hardly gets sad?", " it has to be pretence", "it can't be real", all these and more will be potential response of people to your new self. Overtime you realize that negative vibes are far away from you; pride, jealousy, hatred, selfishness is gone with just that little effort of you praying for grace everyday to live right and love others genuinely. IT JUST ALWAYS DOES THE TRICK. YOU SHOULD TRY IT TOO. ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM!!!!!!


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